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Duquesne University Stock Transfer Instructions

Should you wish to make a gift of stock to Duquesne University, please provide your financial professional with the following information to effectuate the transfer:

Brokerage: BNY Mellon/Pershing, LLC
Contact: Jorja Watts (412-234-0439 or jorja.watts@bnymellon.com)
Account: N7M002317
DTC No.: 0443
Account Name: Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit

For Fed eligible securities, physical securities, mutual funds and foreign security gifts, please contact Jorja Watts for instructions.

Also, please inform Marcia McGinley via e-mail (mcginleym1@duq.edu) or telephone (412.396.3004) of the name of the stock and approximate number of shares in advance of the transaction so that we can properly process the shares and ascribe the transaction to your particular gift record. Your gift is valued at the mean price on the date it is received into the Duquesne University account, at which time the University Controller's Office immediately sells the shares.

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